This is just a quick post to rub salt in the Fat Fuckers' and hens' wounds. It's been 10 years since Brad and Angie were seen together at Diani Beach, Kenya and sent hens everywhere reaching for their smelling salts, to the nearest beach to scream at the ocean and caused them to grab their pooch and tangle up their fur with snot balls and bitter tears of outrage. Ahhhh...those were the days...
Because I'm evil and because it's funny...I threw in the story on Ticky's reaction to the news that Brad was making Angie's toes curl on foreign soil. That bitch had known they were together for over 6 weeks, so US carrying on like she was so tattered and torn about her dumping is beyond hilarious. She said herself - she knew the marriage was over by the time she returned from Italy in June 2004, so she had nearly a year to get over being dumped. Her friends were talking to US with her blessing and saying what she wanted them to say...and then she moved into a house in Malibu a few miles from Brad's new house...just to be near Courteney ya know...stalker much...