(What you didn’t see on TV as Jennifer Aniston finally finds herself alongside Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at the Oscars)
By Mara Reinstein
(Don’t get too excited by the fact that there’s only one name on the by-line. At the end of the story it says, “With reporting by Leslie Bruce, Carlene Davis, Ian Drew, Erica Leary, Mekeisha Madden, Monique Meneses, Aili Nahas, Omid, Scobie & Ingrid Sheaffer. So although there’s only 1 writer of the story…it took 9 other people to scrounge around backstage in the press room, on the RC and hide out in the bathroom stalls for Us to scrounge up enough dirt for this story. Pretty lame, huh?)
The most tension-filled moment of the 81st Annual Oscars had nothing to do with Sean versus Mickey or the potential of a Slumdog Millionaire sweep. Instead, what got onlookers seated in the mezzanine level to lean forward in their seats – and veteran entertainment press from around the world to gasp backstage - was the sight of Jennifer Aniston finally facing Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, four years after their marriage ended. (Sidebar: Grown ass adults with college degrees REALLY gasped over a celeb facing her ex-hubby and his baby mama? Thank God these losers are just reporting gossip and not world events.)
On hand to announce the year’s best animated movies with Jack Black (Jolie’s costar in the nominated hit Kung Fu Panda), Aniston stood on stage just a few steps from her ex and the Other Woman, seated in the front row. (Sidebar: The “other woman”? WTF year is this?) Aniston’s anxiety was palpable: Breathing rapidly, she stumbled over word and at times, stared blankly into the audience. (Sidebar: Ummm…hate to break it to Min, but…this is NOT abnormal behavior for coke addicts.) While clips from the nominated movies played, Aniston, 40, tried to defuse the awkwardness by aiming a warm smile at Pitt, 45, (Sidebar: She could have defused the sitch even more by keeping her big fat Greek ass at home because she had no business even being at the damned Oscars.) but then became so unglued that she mistakenly began to head off stage instead of presenting the next award. (Sidebar: Well, Hallelujah…FINALLY somebody points out that X was scared shitless! The Urinator was probably whacking off in his seat as the odor wafted toward him.) As the presenters walked through the bar area a few minutes later, Black told US of Aniston, “She’s a pro!” (Sidebar: Yeah, a pro famewhore.) But when asked if she was nervous, the actress admitted, “Yes!” (Sidebar: Not to put too fine a point on it – ya shouldn’t even have been there!)
And who could blame her? (Sidebar: Put your hands down! It was a rhetorical question!) Despite
So perhaps in an effort to slay the proverbial elephant in the room, the actress decided to finally stop avoiding her ex. (Sidebar: Pfffft. Puh-leeze. This wasn’t about slaying any elephants. It was about ruining Brad & Angie’s much deserved reward for the great work they did in their movies. It was about making everyone look at her and remember that SHE got dumped and she’s the victim, not them. Any “slaying of elephants” should have waited for a more appropriate time and NOT been used an excuse to upstage Brad. In other words – bitch was being her usual famewhore self.) And with a professional hot streak (Aniston’s last two movies opened at No. 1) (Sidebar: See...this is why Fanistons think X is a “movie star”. Dumb asses like US Lies Weakly pretending X was THE STAR of those 2 movies when in fact she’s 24th fiddle in one (22 dogs + Owen) and 6th fiddle in the other. If these shitty rags would just tell the cold hard truth, then Fanistons wouldn’t be running around posting stupid comments like “Jen’s move beat Brad’s!” on ever blog on the planet. And bloggers looking to increase their traffic (yes, Steve Mason, that means you) wouldn’t be writing asinine articles questioning if X sells more movie tickets than Brad.) And a cool younger boyfriend (musician John Mayer, 31), (Sidebar: Pardon me while I snicker…since when is douchebaggery “cool”?) the timing was as good as it gets. “She’s in the best time and place in her life,” an Aniston source tells us. Seconds another, “She knew this day would come, but it shoes how confident she is that she chose to go to the Oscars when Brad and Angelina were nominated.” (Sidebar: She “chose” to go? Pardon my ass, but it don’t work like that. You have to be INVITED first. What she got was lucky. Lucky that the producers changed this year. Lucky that Brad & Angie got nominated. Lucky that Angie turned the producers down when she was asked to present because otherwise X wouldn’t have received an invitation. Lucky that the ratings have sucked for the last 5 years. Lucky that the new producers were assholish enough to lower the respectability level of the Oscars to take advantage of a feud perpetuated by the media. Lucky enough that said producers were willing to throw their star attractions of the evening to the wolves for a ratings increase. Lucky that Brad and Angie really just don’t give a shit what she does with her life. Who knows if they could have blocked any attempt to include X as a presenter, but bottom like – they don’t care what she does!) Needless to say, the live-action soap opera wasn’t lost on the Oscar producers: With 36.3 million viewers watching (up from last year), the cameras cut to an all-too-jovial Jolie twice during Aniston’s presentation. “One of the producers wanted to stir the pot,” a source tells US. “He knew what would make good TV and wanted to manufacture a moment everyone would talk about.” (Sidebar: No shit, Sherlock? Hope Min didn’t shell out any money for that searingly insightful comment. What the producer did, most likely, is ensure that neither Brad nor Angie will bend over backwards next year to present if asked, or attend if not nominated. Hope the producer enjoyed himself because he may have just shot the Academy in their collective feet.)
CALCULATED MOVES (Oh God…US broke their story into title subsections, too!)
Off camera, Aniston never interacted with her two
Inside, the seating arrangement resembled a game of musical chairs. After Aniston presented, she joined Mayer in the second row of the front section – 15 seats to the right of Pitt. At first, “The producers wanted to make sure Jen and Brad were closer to each other, but her team said no way,” a source tells US. (Sidebar: Bitch please. Like the Academy would allow the producers to risk ruining the night of, and therefore offending, one of their nominees just to get them in the same frame? With this kind of game playing is it any wonder so many of the people they asked to present turned them down? Why accommodate people who are stabbing you in the back even as they ask you for a favor?) A source close to the Marley & Me actress questions why Aniston, a non-nominee, chose to sit in the audience in the first place. (Other presenters, such as Daniel Craig, beelined for after parties postpodium.) (Sidebar: I think we all know the answer to this – FAMEWHORING TO THE BITTER END.) Indeed, Mayer and Aniston were sitting behind nominee Sean Penn, next to nominee Josh Brolin and in front of lesser-known best actor nominee Richard Jenkins. “She stayed to get attention,” says the source. (Sidebar: All together now – DUH! Seriously though – how fucking sad is it that this bitch got a better seat than some of the nominees? I hope she made a WHOLE
And it worked. On a night when Jolie and Pitt would ordinarily be the full center of attention toasting their great year (two Oscar noms! Twins! General hotness!), the actors instead found themselves undercut by Aniston’s buzzed-about presence. (Sidebar: Undercut? Yeah…that’s why the crowd had a massive orgasm when they exited their SUV, Tim Gunn chased them down for an interview and risked embarrassing himself WITH the cameras rolling, Roker BEGGED them for an interview…and Gaycrest once again had to plead for acknowledgement. That’s why Angie made a ton of best dressed lists and X didn’t. But…X can look on the bright side – LAMEY thought she stole the night!) The usually unflappable Pitt – who has seen the two women snip passive-aggressively at each other through the years – even lost his legendary cool. When asked politely about Aniston’s appearance by an
Still, Pitt – who could have extended a public olive branch by greeting Aniston – took pains to ignore her. When out of their seats, they made sure not to run into each other in the common areas. (For example, Aniston and Mayer were never in the green room at the same time Pitt and Jolie.) (Sidebar: Why the fuck should he extend anything to this bitch? She DID NOT need to be there and she only went because she’s one furry little bunny rabbit in a pot of boiling water away from being Alex Forrest, Jr.! X should consider herself lucky that Brad & Angie didn’t bring the Orkin man along as their guest.) Even their postshow exits were timed: Exactly four minutes after Pitt and Jolie left the Kodak Theater holding hands, and onlooker says that Aniston and Mayer were escorted out through the same groundfloor exit. Pitt and Jolie then went directly home to their children. “They did not want to play into the Jen drama and go out after,” the source says. (Sidebar: Why would their post-Oscars routine be different from any other awards show they’ve attended this season? They only one they went to any of the after-parties for was the Golden Globes and even then they only stayed 1 hour. The next day they left for
Aniston, on the other hand, had much to celebrate: Having finally conquered the Brangelina beast, (Sidebar: Uh, how’d she do that? Just by being in the same room and being too big of a pussy to have the nerve to speak to them? Pffft. This isn’t 3rd grade where you get extra credit for calling someone a bully and then running away!) she and Mayer headed to the high-profile Vanity Fair party, where Mayer wrapped his arm around her waist on the red carpet and announced to the photographers, “We’re dates.” A beaming Aniston – who, in December, complained about “this insatiable need to know about my personal life” – then exclaimed in agreement, “Yeah, we’re dates!” (Sidebar: ROTFL. US found that as juvenile as we did. It’s too bad that these too are about a real as $3 bill. They’re perfect for each other. Should The Urinator ever decide to take up acting he and X can co-star in one of her crappy romcoms, “When Phony Met Douchebag”.)
Despite Aniston’s new-found confidence (fun fact: Marley & Me bested The Curious Case of Benjamin Button at the box office), (Sidebar: Fun fact: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 13 Oscar nominations; The Dog Flick, 0 Oscar Nominations. Another “fun fact” – Brad Pitt, 6 STUDIO movie projects in production, 2 movies premiering at 2009
Aniston also made a conscious effort to destress as much as possible. On February 20, she and three girlfriends dines on the patio at
MOVING ON (As we’ve seen with today’s
Now that the Oscar faceoff is history, is Aniston – who will star in the independent dramas Management and Traveling in 2009 (Sidebar: “Independent” is a polite way of saying no studio is stupid enough to put up the money for anything with X in the lead role. “Dramas” means “They were originally supposed to be comedies, but nobody laughed at the previews…”) – finally ready to move on? Her friends say yes. As one source tells US, “She’s glad she can get that monkey off her back.” (Sidebar: ROTFMAO. Ooooh…goody for Jen! She was in the same 50,000 square foot building as Brad & Angie! Oooooh! What an achievement! Somebody call Ripley!) Pitt, is currently awaiting the August release of his anticipated World War II film Inglourious Basterds, is also forging ahead. (Sidebar: That should be “anticipated STUDIO-FUNDED & DISTRIBUTED World War II film”…) – as is Jolie (who is in
Sidebars –
ANALYZING THE SHOWDOW – Body language expert Jan Hargrave breaks down the encounter (Sidebar: Oh goody…here’s that “body language” fuckery again…)
1. Photo of X clinging to Jack Black on stage – Hargrave says Aniston rubbed Black “to show she knows she’s sexy”. (Sidebar of my own: No, she PATTED his chest because she fucked up her line and her knees were knocking so bad she needed support. Yet another supposed expert working from still pictures instead of the VIDEO!)
2. Photo of Angie smiling in audience – “It’s definitely a genuine smile,” Hargrave says of Jolie’s reaction. (Sidebar of my own: Uh, yeah, cuz Angie doesn’t give a crap about X and was laughing her butt off that X screwed up her lines because she was scared spitless.)
3. Photo of X with her hand clasping the sides of her fug face – “Aniston’s animated gestures shows she’s nervous,” Hargrave says. (Sidebar of my own: Golly, what amazing powers of observation. If she had bothered to watch the video the sputtering, stuttering and “uhhing” would have been a dead give away!)
4. Photo of Brad stroking his chin, Angie with a half smile: Pitt resting his hand on his chin “means he’s evaluating and hoping both ladies can handle the situation,” Hargrave surmises. (Sidebar: LOL. Nawww! Ms. Hargrave clearly needs to consult with her colleague, Patti Wood, who told notOK that this same picture was a further demonstration of how happy Brad was to set his baby blues upon the visage of his fug ex-wife again, “Brad is delighted. Like a kid watching fireworks.” Contrasting opinions…yet BOTH women are “experts”. Hmmm…food for thought…okay…problem solved…OK pays better than US and can get their experts to say whatever they want depending on the tone of their story. Either that or US was sick of throwing the Faniston’s a bone and even they couldn’t pretend there was hope for a reunion…)
Caption of photo of Brad & Angie – “They were happy to be honored, but being home with the kids is the only time they’re really comfortable,” a source says of Pitt and Jolie. (Sidebar: Geez…maybe that’s because when they’re at home they aren’t getting ambushed on the red carpet by some snot-nosed kid interning at some lousy craptoid who’s asking them dumb questions about his ex-wife. Could just be me though…)
Photo of Brad & Angie with a quote in a big circle (it’s annoying how they stick these things on top of pictures simply because they couldn’t’ work the quote into the story!) – “Brad and Angie heard Jen was coming and (in bold!) it annoyed them. They didn’t want the night to be about the drama.” A source close to Pitt tells US. (Sidebar: And yet your asstern ran over to Brad and asked him about X when you KNEW he didn’t want to talk about it? These asswipes need to count themselves lucky that Brad isn’t Woody Harrelson!)
Sidebar: HOW THEY AVOIDED EACH OTHER – An elaborate dance kept (in bold) Aniston and (in bold) Brangelina apart all night. (Sooo….what? They bolded the names just in case you forgot who the story was about?)
4:40 pm – Pitt and Jolie arrive on the red carpet. Later Aniston sneaks in a side door. (Sidebar: Wonder if she was singing “I Have Con-fee-dence in ME!”)
5:29 pm – Pitt is the last celeb to take his seat. Backstage, Aniston waits to present. (Sidebar: What US really means is, “Aniston locked herself in the ladies room to do a bump before taking the stage to present her award.”)
6:07 pm – Once Aniston introduces the nominees for the animation category, she looks right at Pitt – not Jolie – and smiles. (Sidebar: And Brad looked at Angie and said, “Remind me of this later – not pet rabbits for the kids!”)
6:35 pm – Aniston tells US she was nervous. Copresenter Black says, “She was a pro!” (Sidebar: What
6:47 pm – Aniston finally takes her set next to beau Mayer – 15 chairs away and one row back of Jolie and Pitt. (Sidebar: Where upon she proceeded to stare holes in Brad’s back for the next 2 ½ hours. Finally Brad turned to Angie and said, “If you think she’s annoying now, you should have been married to her!”)
7:33 pm – Jolie and Pitt walk to the lobby. Aniston remains seated. (Sidebar: This is included solely because US is attempting to prove that there was a deliberate plot to avoid each other. What so conspiratorial about 4 people who DON’T all have to go to the bathroom at the same time?)
7:44 pm – Aniston and Mayer head to the green room; in the lobby, Pitt refuses to discuss his ex-wife. (Sidebar: Soooo…didn’t Tim Gunn say Brad’s PR people said they wouldn’t be giving interviews? Basically US is admitting that they ambushed Brad about something they’d already been told he wouldn’t discuss. Yet they claim he “snapped” at them and “lost his cool”? Where’s Woody when you need him…)
8:55 pm – Postshow, Mayer and Aniston duck through a side door into the green room. Pitt and Jolie hang back to chat with other celebs. (Sidebar: Soooo….here’s what I’m getting out of this…X couldn’t be bothered to chat with any other celebs if there was no photog handy to take a picture. Either that or everybody was pissed that she showed up where she didn’t belong and ruined THEIR night.)
9:08 pm – Jolie and Pitt are among the last to leave the theater. Once the coast is clear Aniston and Mayer slip out. (Sidebar: ROTFL. Basically X didn’t want to leave before Brad and Angie because she knew after fucking up her award the tabs would say she ran away from the scene of her embarrassment. Instead she hangs out in the green room – where the media aren’t allowed – and waits until she knows Brad and Angie are gone before hightailing it out of there. Either that or she was chain-smoking her nerves away and begging a bump off someone...)
10:01 pm – At the Vanity Fair party, Extreme Makeover: Wedding Edition’s Steve Kemble tells US, “Jen always looked like she was looking out of the corner of her eye, watching for Brad and Angelina.” (Sidebar: LOL. Coke does make a bitch paranoid.)
Nothing scintillating here – pix of Angie with Winslet & Mendes, Mickey Rourke & Ann Hathaway. Ooops…my bad…The X pix…
- With Christina Applegate & Gwen Stefani – Gwen is standing between X and Christina…and looks about 5 years younger than X even though she’s only about 3 months younger. Ouch.
- X and The Urinator with the Seinfelds – ain’t nobody looking too thrilled in this pic except Jerry, who for some reason has a big silly grin plastered on his face. His Mrs.’ face is half-grimacing like, “I DO NOT want to be been with this woman, but Jerry got his way…for a change.”
- Of course US included one of the pix of X plastered against Streep’s back. X is looking dead at the camera, natch…Streep is looking at someone over the cameraman’s shoulder and not paying any attention to X whatsoever. Story of her life and pretty much explains WHY she went to the Oscars in the first place, “I WILL NOT BE IGNORED…BRAD!”
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